Section Links

Check out GameCulture and GamePolitics to read about recent ECA®, industry, and government regulation news.

To get the latest gaming news delivered to your inbox, subscribe to our week-nightly HTML-based newsletter, ECA Today.

To read the latest news, interviews or mentions about the association - or what the media is saying about our efforts, check out our related forum thread here.


Members of the media can keep up to date on issues concerning consumer rights, anti-games legislation, and a host of other public policy concerns as well as how we're providing new and exciting affinity benefits to our members, here.

And just click on one of the following links for official ECA®: press releases, backgrounder, logos, and headshots.


With the large daily volume of videogame news and events, it's hard to keep up - until now. Through one of our publications, GamePolitics, the ECA® offers our members a clearinghouse for politically-oriented news and opinions about videogames, the business, and the way in which games relate to modern society.

Read newsfeed from Gamepolitics now


ECA® members get a chance to voice their opinions and influence how companies create, market, and sell game-related products and services on a fairly regular basis. We also offer ways to participate in contests such as treasure/scavenger hunts and promotions which often have some compelling prizes and special offers for members. Read about the latest contests, promotions, and winners here and find out how to get invovled, here.







Members of the press

For media inquiries, please contact Jason Andersen, our Director of Public Relations, via: press(at)theeca(dot)com.